
Monday, May 13, 2013

Capture the Flag for PE

Written by Allison, Trinity, and Josh

Last week we played Capture the Flag with Mr. Adrian on Thursday.  We were split into two teams.  The goal was to run over to the other team's side to grab the flag without getting tagged.  Then you need run back over to your own side or throw the flag to a teammate on your team's side.  If that happens then you just scored a point!

If you get tagged by the other team when you're on their side, you get sent to the other team's jail.  To get out of jail, your teammate has to tag you, and then you and your teammate have to walk back to your side of the team.

Have you ever played Capture the Flag?


Hannah said...

Yes, I have played Capture The Flag and it was awesome!:)

Ryan21 said...

Cool! Capture The Flag is one of my favorite games thanks!

josh said...

Was it boys V.S. girls?

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