
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Possessive Nouns

Written by Amyyah and Trinity

A possessive noun tells who or what owns something.  A noun is a person, place, or thing.

  • Person:  Amyyah
  • Place:  Hawaii
  • Thing:  bike
To make a noun posssessive add an appostrophe and s ( 's ) to the end of the noun.

noun + 's = possessive noun
Example:  girl + 's = girl's
"The girl's shiny bike" means that the shiny bike belongs to the girl.
When you have something belonging to more than one thing you put the appostrophe after the s.
Example:  ducks + ' = ducks'
"Many of the ducks' feathers have fallen onto the grass" means that a group of duck's feathers have fallen onto the grass.
And that's what we do for possessive nouns!
Can you think of any more examples of possessive nouns?

Lattice Multiplication

Written by Arya, Claire, and Josh

We've been learning how to do lattice multiplication.  Have you ever done lattice?  If you have, do you like it?  Watch this video to learn how to do lattice.  After you watch the video, please let us know:

Do you like lattice or partial products better?

Friday, April 19, 2013


What is a triangle?  What's the difference between a right triangle and an equilateral triangle?


What is symmetry and what does it mean for something to be symmetrical?

Partial Products Multiplication

Written by Lily, Ryan (21), and Carly

In math we learned how to multiply larger numbers together.  One way is called partial products.  Take a look at our video to see how it's done.

Energy Sources

Written by Alec, Enya, and Niko

We are here to teach you about energy sources.  Did you know that water can be used to create energy because the water turns a wheel that turns a turbine to create energy?  You can also use solar panels that powered by the sun.  Batteries is another energy source.  If gasoline is burned it can fuel a car.

Can you name any other sources?

Irises Art

Written by Phoebe, Andrew, and Aliza

This week we learned how to draw an iris.  The flower can be blue, purple or a mix.  The supplies you will need are purple, blue, dark green, and light green oil pastels.  You will also need yellow water color to paint the background, a pencil, and water color paper.

Have you ever drawn an iris before?


Written by Allison, Michelle, and Alex (3)

We did basketball for PE yesterday.  What we learned is how to dribble and bounce pass and chest pass.  We did bounce pass and chest pass while shuffling with a partner.  It was fun and enjoyable.

Do you like basketball?

Pen Pals

Written by Kirti, Aja, and Brandon

Our classroom is pen pals with Ms. Steiger's third grade classroom in Sandpiper Elementary School.  We write letters explaining important things in our letters.  We mail our letters back and forth.  Our pen pals get to know more about us, and we get to know more about them.  Also, we ask each other questions.  We have a lot of fun writing to each other.  

Who do you want your pen pal to be?

Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Write a Paragraph

Written by Aja, Kirti, and Brandon

Writing a good paragraph is part of writing a good story or article.  This traffic light will show you how to write a good organized paragraph.

A good paragraph starts with a topic sentence and should have important details about the topic sentence.  A topic sentence is the main idea.  Next, you should give a reason, detail, or fact about your topic.  Then, you should explain a little more about your reason or detail.  Next, you add a conclusion, which reminds the reader about the main idea.  That is how you write a good paragraph.

What is your next paragraph going to be about?

Solar Cells

Written by Amyyah, Alex (4), and Trinity

In science we also learned about solar cells, which are a solar panel.  If you let the sun hit your solar panel and your whole circuit is connected, your motor will start turning.  It creates solar power and makes the circuit that's connected rotate.  It works with any type of strong light.  Your wires have to be connected for your motor to work.  You need the light to activate with the panel.

Have you ever done this before?

Water Lily Art

Written by Phoebe and Andrew

This week we learned how to draw a water lily in art.  We used oil pastels, blue water color, and water color paper to create a scene of water lilies in the water on lily pads.

Have you ever drawn a water lily?


Ohlone Indians

Written by Allison, Michelle, Alex (3)

We are learning about  how the Ohlone Indians lived.  We are making an Ohlone diorama, which is a little scene on how they used to live.  They used to live around San Francisco.  Their house is made out of willow bark.  Some of the things they eat are wild fruits, vegetables, and animals that they hunt. 

Do you know anything more about the Ohlone Indians?


Written by Alec, Niko, and Enya

In science we learned about circuits.  A circuit is where two wires are touching a power source and generating action.  The name circuit is circle because where you shape the wire it looks like a circle (see pictures below).  A circuit can be powered with different types of sources.  For instant, instead of batteries you can use a solar panel.

Do you have a circuit?


Creating an Expert List

Written by Josh, Claire, and Arya

This week in school we wrote expert lists.  An expert list is a list of things you know about.  These are different kinds of categories you can write for an example:  people you know, places you been to, things I've learned, and animals you like.

Expert lists help you write a good paragraph.  It helps you choose a good topic you know about to write.

Have you ever made an expert list?

New PE Games

Written by Hannah, Ryan (22), and Tsubasa

In PE we play games like Man Hunt, Hot Dog Tag, and Leap Frog.  First, we're going to teach you how to play man hunt.  It is like Infection Tag.  Once you're tagged, you're it.  If you are it and you tag someone then you are still it.

Second of all, we will teach you how to play Hot Dog Tag.  If you get tagged you have to lay down and yell, "I'm a hot dog!  I'm a hot dog!  Where are my buns?"  Then two buns (other people) have to lay next the hot dog.  Then the hot dog and the buns are safe.  We had fun teaching you about some PE  games.

What did you think about those PE games?  Would you play them?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rays, Lines, and Line Segments

What is a ray?  What is a line?  What is a line segment?




What is a quadrilateral?


Angles & Turns

What does it mean when an angle does a quarter turn clockwise?  How about a half turn counter clockwise?



Are circles polygons?  What makes a shape a polygon?




What are prisms?  How are they different from other shapes?